Associated Partners

Find out more about our partners, by clicking on the logos below:

University of Helsinki, Finland:

Jukka Lehtonen, Senior Researcher, WeAll research project ( at Gender studies, University of Helsinki, Finland (

In the WeAll project I research gender and body diversity, including intersex issues, in education and work environment, and I co-operatate with the Finnish intersex project TIKA ( for which I did a training video on intersex issues in education and at work. My email is

Transmedia Watch UK:

We are an organisation dedicated to improving the representation of trans and intersex people in the UK media through research, education, training and support for individuals who have been negatively affected by misrepresentation or who wish to pursue media careers. Despite our name (a legacy issue) we have had intersex involvement on our board since 2011 and we frequently engage with intersex supporters who help to inform our work. We have worked with numerous intersex and trans organisations around the world to help them develop their own policies for dealing with the media and improve their own media presentation.

Email :

Ghent University, Research Centre on Culture and Gender, Department of Languages and Cultures:

The Centre for Research on Culture and Gender (CRCG) supports research and scholarly exchange on questions of identity, difference and diversity in a globalized world from the perspective of critical inquiry. The CRCG brings together scholars interested in culture and gender, is part of the faculty diversity team, and regularly hosts visiting scholars.

Joz Motmans, Guest Professor Gender Studies, and Chia Longman, professor Gender Studies and head of the CRCG, have promoted two policy driven research projects: “Intersex persons in Belgium: prevalence, medical care and living conditions”, and “Research into the living conditions of intersex persons in Flanders”. Both have a background in gender studies but bring different expertise to the table: whereas Joz is a clinical psychologist and social scientist with a track record in (quantitative as well as qualitative) transgender studies and equality, Chia is a socio-cultural anthropologist and professor in gender studies.

Currently both are coordinating intersex stakeholder meetings in Belgium, bringing together patient based organisations, intersex activist organisations, medical professionals involved in the field of DSD, policy makers from the equality policies and equality bodies, and individuals (both parents and adults) who have a variation in sex characteristics.

Email: ;

Department of Gender and Sexualities, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta


Equality Network

The Equality Network runs a Variations of Sex Characteristics (VSC) and Intersex Project. This is a national project in Scotland that works with a wide variety of groups, including intersex people, other equality organisations, healthcare professionals, and government policy makers. The aim is to facilitate discussion between these groups, and the development of an understanding of intersex equality. Intersex equality has been under addressed by policy makers in Scotland, and this project works to increase discussion and thereby extend the rights and inclusion of intersex people within Scotland. Our project particularly focuses on facilitating intersex people to connect with each other, allies, and policy makers, so as to ensure that policy and good practice development for intersex people in Scotland is led by intersex people. A second objective is to support the growth of an intersex community in Scotland. Through this we aim to facilitate the community having greater representation in all areas, as well as a greater community cohesion and support system. We have developed and maintain connections with intersex people and intersex organisations across the UK and elsewhere, to learn from them and to support them to work in Scotland.

If you would like any more information please feel free to contact the Equality Network’s Policy Officer Ella Fisher on

OII Europe

OII Europe (Organisation Intersex International Europe – OII Europe e. V.) is the umbrella organisation of European intersex-led organisations that works for the protection of intersex people’s human rights.

OII Europe was founded as a network on Human Rights Day, 10 December, during the Second Intersex Forum at Stockholm in 2012, and since then has worked for the protection of intersex people’s human rights at EU, CoE and UN level and by supporting member organisations on a national level. OII Europe’s work is based on the demands of the Malta Declaration, formulated at the 3rd International Intersex Forum 2013 and endorsed by the European Intersex Community in the 2017 Vienna Statement. Since 2016 OII Europe is a registered and charitable NGO based in Berlin, Germany.

OII Europe’s vision is of a world where the human rights of intersex people are fully implemented and where bodily autonomy, physical integrity, and self-determination of all people, including but not limited to intersex individuals, is guaranteed. OII Europe aims to help create a world where everyone knows that sex is a continuum, as is gender, and where intersex individuals can live in freedom and equality. A world where intersex people are protected from discrimination and other human rights violations and where safe and celebratory environments for intersex people, their families and surroundings are generally provided.

To this aim OII Europe advocates on the European and international level and through supporting its national member organisations advocacy work for

  • full implementation of human rights, bodily integrity and self-determination for intersex people
  • legal protection against non-vital medical and psychological treatment without the personal, prior, free and fully informed consent of the intersex individual
  • promotion of self-awareness, visibility and recognition of intersex people
  • full protection against discrimination, including the adoption of “sex characteristics” as a protective legal ground
  • education of society on intersex issues from a human rights perspective

One of the most important areas of work of OII Europe is supporting the growth of the European Intersex Community, e.g. through its annual OII Europe Community Event & Conference as well as through extensive capacity building measures.


Social Media:
Twitter: @oiieurope
Instagram: @oiieurope

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Name: IGLYO — The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth and Student Organisation



IGLYO is an LGBTQI youth and student network with over 90 member organisations in more than 40 countries, and an estimated reach of over 3.000 youth activists. As a youth development organisation, IGLYO builds the confidence, skills and experience of LGBTQI young people to become leaders within the LGBTQI and human rights sectors. Through cross-cultural ex-change and peer learning, the organisation aims to create an influential collective of youth activists across Europe. Likewise, IGLYO ensures the voices and experiences of LGBTQI young people are present and heard by decision-makers at European and international levels, by advocating for the human rights of LGBTI youth at a European level with institutions such as the European Union or the Council of Europe. IGLYO achieves these outcomes through advocacy and research, international training and events, targeted capacity building programmes, intercultural exchanges and peer learning, online tools and resources, and digital storytelling and campaigning.


More information coming soon

More information coming soon

More information coming soon

More information coming soon

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